Frequently Asked Questions

How quickly do you need my flowers after my event?

We want your flowers to look their absolute best. We request your flowers arrive 1-3 days after your event. Preferable the next day.

What is my total cost?

You will need to consider the following to calculate your total cost:

  • Overnight priority shipping of your fresh/dried flowers to the studio if you do not live in or near the Niagara Region (Ontario)

  • Your selection of arrangements and/or additional pieces

Price includes:

  • Shipping of your finished piece(s) within Canada.

*Local pickup or delivery of your finished pieces is available.*

What forms of payment are accepted?

We accept E-transfer, MasterCard, Visa, Amex and Discover credit cards and Visa debit cards.

Do you require a minimum purchase amount?

Fresh flowers: An arrangement must be purchased.

No minimum order requirement for memorial flowers, previously dried flowers or Parched Floral Clients.

I have an all white bouquet, will it preserve well?

White flowers are the hardest to preserve! White flowers, including roses, will dry with a wide variety of shades, from bright white, ivory to yellow undertones. The best chance at preserving the flower’s natural colour is to ensure the flowers are as fresh as possible.

Some roses are more predictable and dry more to their true colour. I have had the best success with Playa Blanca, Vendela, Tibet and Escimo Roses.

White ranunculus and dahlias tend to preserve very well and retain their colour.

At this time, I do not offer colour correction.

How far in advance should I book my arrangement?

As soon as possible! Please and thank you!

Unfortunately, we can only accept a limited number of projects per week, we need the time and space to preserve your beautiful bouquet properly.

We recommend reserving your date a few months in advance.

Do you accept last minute bookings?

Yes! We will do our absolute best to accommodate as many arrangements as possible but unfortunately we are limited by space.

Will my flowers change during the process?

Yes, your flowers will change during the preservation process.

Your flowers will not look exactly the same as your event date but most would agree that they will look lovely in their new state. Colour change is always a possibility. White flowers often become off-white in colour, dark coloured flowers may appear deeper while some colours can be become muted; such as Koko Loko Roses and Honey Dijon Roses. Some flowers, like white and purple calla lilies, can become yellow. Most greenery tend to retain their original colour except dusty miller.

Why do I see translucent spots on some flowers?

Your flowers go through a lot before they reach our studio. From the growers, to shipping, the florists and then the event. Translucent spots occur when there has been damage to the petal’s delicate infrastructure or even from the natural oil’s on a person’s hands thus allowing the resin to penetrate this area.

It is important to note that translucent spots cannot fully be predicted. Often translucent spots will be most visible on the outer protection petals. We try to remove as many protection petals as possible without ruining the overall look of the flower.

Pressed petals are more likely to show translucent spots.

What steps are taken to help minimize the translucent spots on flowers?

We start by removing as many protection petals as possible without ruining the overall look of a flower. Once fully dried, blooms are then carefully sprayed with several very thin layers of a acrylic coating to help seal the damaged areas and thus prevent the resin from seeping into these area.

What does a design proposal look like?

The client will receive a PDF file via the email provided 4 - 6 weeks after drop off. For arrangements, one option is given based on the design style chosen. If undecided, the client will receive a full design layout.

For additional pieces, a few option are given with different flower choices (if available).

Do you offer re-designs if I do not like the original designs sent?

Yes! We want you to love your piece(s) for many years to come.

However, it is important to note that with each re-design there is the potential for damage to the blooms and therefore increasing the chances of translucent spots. This is especially the case with pressed petals.

Can any flowers be preserved?

Unfortunately no. Some flowers are simply too delicate and often do not survive the drying process. Mums, dahlias, and some types of sunflowers are prime examples as the petals are loosely attached. Flowers in which the petals are very thin are also not good candidates for drying for example cosmos and orchids. If a certain type of flower is important to you, please bring extra.

Will you need my entire bouquet?

Yes. To ensure the best possible finished product we will preserve and sort through your entire bouquet choosing the very best of the best to cast. As mentioned above, not all flowers will survive the drying process and in some cases, damage during shipping may occur.

What happens with my left over flowers?

The flowers that are not used in your piece(s) can be returned upon request, composted or donated to another client whose flowers did not survive the drying process. If you would like them returned, we ask that this request be made at the time of booking.

Please note there may be an extra charge for shipping. This will be at cost as per shipping provider.

Will the resin art last over time?

Yes! Resin is a very durable substance and will last a lifetime. Our high quality resin is also UV resistant. But it is highly recommended that you keep your piece out of direct and indirect sunlight and extreme heat, as it may cause your piece(s) to yellow.

** It is important to note that all types of resin will turn a slight yellow hue over time but how quickly this process happens largely depends on the aftercare **

I do not live in the area, how do I ship my flowers?

Once you have received your email confirmation that your date has been accepted and reserved, we will send you shipping instructions. By following the instructions very carefully, it will ensure your blooms arrive safely with minimal damaged.

You will receive an email to confirm your flowers have arrived safely.

Can I have my previously dried flowers casted?

Yes. We can definitely take previously dried flowers and encase them in resin to enjoy for many years to come.

My flowers have been spray painted, how will the colour react with the resin?

If you know your flowers have been spray painted with a colourant, please let us know in the comment section of the Reserve Your Date form. This information will be very helpful to us. Often the colour will bleed in resin. If we are aware, we have some techniques that will prevent this from happening.

Why are my coasters thicker than normal coasters?

The height of coasters is determined by the flowers chosen. Often times coasters are up to 1.25 inches in thickness. Some fresh flowers can be pressed to achieve a thinner coaster. In the case of roses, to achieve a thinner coaster, the rose needs to be pressed petal by petal and later reconstructed. If a more natural look is desired, this will result in a much thicker coaster. This information will try to be relayed in the design proposal. There are some instances where very few flowers survive the drying process and options are limited and not possible to achieve a thinner coaster.

In the case of using a previously dried flower, coasters will most often be up to 1.25 inches in height. Rehydrating a flower can cause damage to flower petals thus resulting in many translucent spots. An undesirable look.

How do I book my date?

Please use the “Reserve Your Date” form located here and submit the form. To secure your date, both purchase agreement and a $100 deposit or 50% deposit (if total amount is under $100) is required.

Due to limit availability, dates will only be held for 48 hours. Please note it is a first come first serve basis.

Remainder of the full payment is due when the final layout has been approved before encasing can begin. The $100 deposit or 50% deposit will be applied to your total bill.

What if I change my mind after I have reserved my date?

Refunds are available depending on the stage of the process.

Details are available in the purchase agreement.

What is the total turnaround time?

The total turnaround time is 16 - 20 weeks. Our goal is always 16 weeks! But during prime time wedding season it will be closer to 20 weeks. This deadline only applies if the final invoice payment is received with 1-2 weeks of when the design proposal was originally sent.